第七届中国(惠安)雕刻艺术节 The 7th China (Hui'an) Carving Art Festival 暨“石刻营造”石雕创作设计大赛全球参赛选手与作品方案征集 The "Stone Carving Construction" Stone Sculpture Creation Competition Collection of global contestants and Design 一、项目概况 Project Overview ![]() ▲惠安雕艺文创园 “中国雕刻艺术节”是惠安县人民政府与中国工艺美术学会合作的品牌性项目,自1993年开始启动,分别于2000年、2002年、2004年、2006年、2009年、2011年在惠安举办了六届的雕刻艺术节,对惠安石雕产业提升和雕艺人才培养起了极其重要的推动作用。 The "China Carving Art Festival" is a brand project jointly launched by the Hui'an County People's Government and the China Arts and Crafts Association. It was launched in 1993 and six carving art festivals were held in Hui'an in 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2009 and 2011 respectively. It has played an extremely important role in promoting the improvement of Hui'an's stone carving industry and the cultivation of carving talents. 因此,作为世界石雕之都的惠安继续策划举办中国(惠安)雕刻艺术节,对惠安城市文化建设、雕艺产业发展、文旅融合乃至国际间雕刻行业交流具有重要意义。 Therefore, as the world's stone carving city, Hui'an continues to plan and hold the China (Hui'an) Carving Art Festival, which is of great significance to Hui'an's urban cultural construction, the development of the sculpture industry, the integration of culture and tourism, and even international exchanges in the sculpture industry. 二、石雕创作大赛创作主题 Stone Sculpture Competition Theme 主题:“石刻营造” Theme: "Stone Carving Construction"惠安是一座遍布石刻的城市,“石刻的力量”时刻存在。当我们在思考如何营造惠安的城市空间时,绵延不绝的石刻作品,不断加深对于惠安城市的记忆和想象。“石刻营造”主题的提出,是在探索“磐石与雕刻”“城市与文化”“个体与世界”过程中,不断挖掘惠安匠人的传承与智慧,梳理惠安一代代工匠“雕刻”而成的惠安城市精神。 Hui'an is a city full of stone carvings, and the "power of stone carvings" is always there. When we think about how to create Hui'an's urban space, the endless stone carvings continue to deepen our memory and imagination of Hui'an. The theme of "Stone Carving Construction" is proposed in the process of exploring "Rock and Sculpture", "City and Culture" and "Individual and World", which constantly exploring the inheritance and wisdom of Hui'an craftsmen, and sorting out the Hui'an city spirit "carved" by generations of Hui'an craftsmen. 石刻营造,是一门极具惠安特色的地方学科。这门学科所形成的思维方法和实践探索,正在不断塑造惠安“地方与世界”的关系,用锤子和凿子,逐步建造起名副其实的“世界石雕公园”。 "Stone Carving Construction" is a local discipline with Hui'an characteristics. The thinking methods and practical exploration formed by this discipline are constantly shaping the relationship between Hui'an and the international world, and gradually building a veritable "World Stone Sculpture Park" with hammers and chisels. 三、征集说明 Collection Instructions (一) 征集时间: (I) Collection time2024年8月26日- 9月10日 August 26 - September 10, 2024 (二) 征集对象: (II) Collection objects本次石雕创作大赛面向世界各地的艺术家、建筑师、工艺美术师、艺术学院学生及独立创作者征集石雕艺术创作方案。 This stone carving competition solicits stone carving art creation design from artists, architects, arts and crafts artists, art college students and independent creators from all over the world. (三) 征集形式: (III) Collection form拟全球征集50件以石材为创作主要材料的优秀公共艺术作品方案(包括10件国外作品及40件国内作品)。由石雕专委会组织专家组评选出适合“惠安城市雕塑”方案后,邀请入围参赛选手来惠进行现场制作(分散创作、集中展评),与惠安雕艺形成对话。 It is planned to collect 50 outstanding public art works with stone as the main material from around the world (including 10 international works and 40 Chinese works). After the expert group organized by the Stone Sculpture Committee selects the suitable "Hui'an City Sculpture" plan, the shortlisted contestants will be invited to Hui'an for on-site production. Contestants will create their works separately, and there will be an exhibition and evaluation after the competition. (四) 大赛支持: (IV) Competition support1.材料支持:主办方提供以花岗岩为主的创作石材,包括石材荒料、异型切割剩料等,创作现场邀约惠安本地优秀匠师配合参赛选手进行制作。 1. Material support The organizer provides stone materials mainly made of granite, including rough stone materials, leftover materials from special-shaped cutting, etc. The organizer will invite excellent local craftsmen from Hui'an to cooperate with the contestants in the production. ![]() ▲惠安石材工厂 2.差旅支持:主办方负责国内外参赛选手往返交通、驻地创作食宿相关费用。 2. Travel allowance The organizer is responsible for the round-trip transportation, accommodation and meals of domestic and foreign contestants. ![]() ▲惠安崇武古城 3.市场化支持:此次大赛主办方、策划团队将结合市场化机制,推动大赛作品进入版权合作、作品销售、落地公共空间等多元化发展模式。 3. Market-oriented support The organizers and planning team of this competition will combine market-oriented mechanisms to promote the works of the competition to enter diversified development models such as copyright cooperation, work sales, and landing in public spaces. (五) 大赛时间安排: (V) Competition Schedule2024年8月26日-9月10日 August 26-September 10, 2024 1.参赛选手及创作方案征集 Collection of contestants and creative proposals 2024年9月12-15日 September 12-15, 2024 2.参赛选手资格及方案评选 Contestant qualifications and proposal selection 2024年9月15日 September 15, 2024 3. 参赛选手结果公示 Announcement of contestant results 2024年9月27日-10月8日 September 27-October 8, 2024 4. 参赛选手驻地创作 Contestants' on-site creation 2024年10月9日 October 9, 2024 5.参赛作品运输至展览评奖现场 Transport of entries to the exhibition and award site 2024年10月10日 October 10, 2024 6.参赛选手作品评奖 Awarding of contestants' works 2024年10月11日 October 11, 2024 7.雕刻艺术节颁奖仪式及作品交流会 Carving Art Festival Award Ceremony and Works Exchange Meeting 注:具体时间将根据大赛实际进程进行相关调整。 Note: The specific time will be adjusted according to the actual progress of the competition.四、评审细则 Evaluation Criteria (一) 参赛作品方案要求: (I) Requirements for the entries1.在地性:投稿作品方案立意需符合大赛创作主题。作品材质应以石材为主,可结合少部分如木材、金属、灯光、机械等综合材料进行创作,并与惠安城市及本土文化产生呼应及对话关系。 1. Locality The submitted works must be in line with the theme of the competition. The materials of the works should be mainly stone, and can be combined with a small amount of comprehensive materials such as wood, metal, lighting, machinery, etc. The submitted works should be combined with Hui'an city and local culture. 2.创新性:作品设计应符合公共艺术的创作标准,体现开放与互动的特征,通过独特的创意引导观者参与体验,引发共鸣及思考。 2. Innovation The design of the work should meet the creation standards of public art, which should embody the characteristics of openness and interaction, guide the audience to participate in the experience through unique creativity and trigger resonance and reflection. 3.可实施性:作品方案需在主办方提供石材的基础上具备一定程度的规模及体量。作品创作可考虑构成公共空间的场景表达,手法不限。 3. Feasibility The work proposal must have a certain scale and volume based on the stone materials provided by the organizer. The creation of the work can consider the scene expression of public space, and the method is not limited. (二) 投稿方式: (II) Submission Method1.每位参赛者需以压缩包的形式统一提交以下文件: 1.Each participant must submit the following documents in a compressed file. ① 参赛报名表(扫描二维码获取); ② 作品方案展示文件(包括但不限于创作方案草图、尺寸说明图、方案说明、实现材质等,排版方式不限,照片像素不低于300dpi); ① Registration form (Scan the " QR code "to get) ② Work plan presentation documents (including but not limited to the sketch of the creation plan, dimension diagram, plan description, implementation materials, etc., with no restrictions on the layout, and the photo pixel should not be less than 300dpi); ③ Contestants are required to provide a resume and a portfolio. 2.以上文件均需提交PDF格式,并于2024年9月10日24时前发送至邮箱:hawcy88@163.com,邮件标题命名为“雕刻艺术节+本人名称”,逾期则不予接收。 2. All the above documents must be submitted in PDF format and sent to hawcy88@163.com before 24:00 on September 10, 2024. The email title should be "the Carving Art Festival + your name". Emails received after the deadline will not be accepted. 3.每位参赛者可提交1-3件作品方案,超出要求范围则不予采纳。 3. Each participant can submit 1-3 works. Works exceeding the requirements will not be accepted. 4. 若对以上信息存在任何疑问或需进一步了解,可随时通过以下方式与我们取得联系。 联系人:李晓峰 联系电话:15606095347 联系邮箱:hawcy88@163.com 4. If you have any questions about the above information or need further information, you can contact us at any time through the following methods. Contact: Li Xiaofeng Contact number: 15606095347 Contact email: hawcy88@163.com (三) 注意事项: (III) Note1.作品方案必须遵守国家相关法律法规,尊重惠安在地文化及民俗。 1.The works must comply with relevant Chinese laws and regulations and respect the local culture and customs of Hui'an. 2.参赛者应保证对所投作品方案拥有完整、明确、无争议的所有权及著作权,如有抄袭、冒用或侵犯他人知识产权等行为,则由参赛选手本人承担一切后果。 2.Participants should ensure that they have complete, clear and undisputed ownership and copyright of their submitted works. If there is any plagiarism, misappropriation or infringement of others’ intellectual property rights, the contestants themselves shall bear all consequences. 3.主办方对所有参选创作方案资料不予退还,请作者自行保存备份 3.The organizer will not return any submitted creative proposal materials. Authors are requested to keep a backup copy by themselves. 4.所有参赛选手在组委会安排的时间、地点,使用组委会提供的原材料(原石、弃石等)进行创作,完成作品单体长宽高一维不低于180cm。 4.All contestants shall create their works at the time and place arranged by the organizing committee using the raw materials (raw stones, discarded stones, etc.) provided by the organizing committee, and the length, width and height of the completed work shall not be less than 180cm. 5.主办方享有本次大赛的最终解释权,以及对参赛创作方案进行记录、汇编、出版、发行及宣传等权利;对大赛选手驻地创作的作品拥有销售、复制等权利;如有销售所得,扣除相关成本后,按提前约定比例分成。 5.The organizer has the final right of interpretation of this competition, as well as the right to record, compile, publish, distribute and publicize the participating creative proposals. Also, the organizer has the right to sell and reproduce the works created by the contestants in the competition. If there is any sales income by the works, it will be divided according to the proportion agreed in advance after deducting the relevant costs. 五、大赛奖项设置说明 Competition Award Setting Instructions 1.大赛总奖金为人民币650000元 The total prize of the competition is RMB 650,0002.最高单项奖金为人民币60000元(税前) The highest single prize is RMB 60,000 (before tax)3.所有参赛选手至少将获得人民币10000元奖金(税前) All contestants will receive at least RMB 10,000 (before tax)六、组织架构 Organizational Structure (一) 指导单位: Under the Auspices of中国轻工业联合会 China Light Industry Federation(二) 主办单位: Co-hosted by中国工艺美术大师工作委员会 China Arts and Crafts Masters Working Committee中国工艺美术学会 China Arts and Crafts Society惠安县人民政府 Hui'an County People's Government(三) 承办单位: Organized by中国工艺美术学会石雕专委会 China Arts and Crafts Association Stone Carving Committee福建省工艺美术学会 Fujian Arts and Crafts Society惠安县雕艺文化产业发展领导小组办公室 Office of the Leading Group for the Development of Carving Culture Industry in Huian County(四) 协办单位: Co-organized by泉州市城镇集体工业联合社 Quanzhou Urban Collective Industry Federation惠安县工业信息化和商务局 Hui'an County Industry, Information Technology and Commerce Bureau惠安县城镇集体工业联合社 Huian County Urban Collective Industry Federation福建省轻工业联合会 Fujian light industry council福建省工艺美术协会 Fujian Arts and Crafts Association福建省手工艺协会 Fujian Handicraft Association福建省雕塑学会 Fujian Sculpture Society福建省工艺美术学会木.竹雕刻专委会 Fujian Arts and Crafts Society Wood and Bamboo Carving Special Committee泉州市工艺美术学会 Quanzhou Arts and Crafts Society泉州市工艺美术协会 Quanzhou Arts and Crafts Association惠安雕刻艺术研究会 Huian Sculpture Art Research Association惠安县石雕石材协会 Huian County Stone Carving and Stone Association惠安县建筑业协会 Huian County Construction Industry Association惠安县玉石雕刻行业协会 Huian County Jade Carving Industry Association惠安县民间艺术家协会 Huian County Folk Artists Association惠安县观赏石协会 Huian County Ornamental Stone Association |